Media Bank

Downloadable materials from here. You can download 3D CAD libraries and other useful files for free from our Media Bank.

A product list can be downloaded from the Brochures and product lists folder.

AutoCad and Sat libraries

SAT-2015.zip10.85 MbDownload
dxf.zip623.89 KbDownload

Brochures and product lists

Norcan general cataloque16.33 MbDownload

Forms and delivery terms

Delivery terms in Finland90.08 KbDownload

IGES and STEP libraries

step_profiilit.zip1.51 MbDownload
Step komponentit.zip7.77 MbDownload
iges_profiilit.zip1.51 MbDownload
Iges komponentit.zip18.76 MbDownload

SolidWorks profile and component library

Components26.43 MbDownload
Profiles1007.97 KbDownload

Vertex profile and component library

Profiles715.71 KbDownload
Components-201533.39 MbDownload
Profiles (lighten)540.08 KbDownload