Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions.
How much should I purchase at a time in terms of profiles?
There is no minimum shipment size for profiles and the associated components. Components can be purchased one at a time, if you wish, and profiles in lengths as cut by our saw. The profile cutting service can be used regardless of whether you are purchasing one or hundreds of pieces in one go. Naturally, the goods have their own packaging sizes, which will affect pricing in the case of some products. For example, profiles come in factory packaging, which are based on 180 x 180 mm modules. This means that smaller profiles for this module will cost more per millimetre than larger ones.
What kind of profiles does the system include?
This NORCAN system features over 60 compatible aluminium profiles that can be joined to each other or to different components. The profiles and components form what could be called a Meccano set for adults, from which you can build almost anything. Examples of the cross sections of the profiles can be found on this website, and a complete product list in English can be ordered using the feedback form.
Where will my delivery be coming from, how long will it take?
Orders are dispatched from our premises. We store all profiles here in our own warehouse. Orders are usually dispatched the next working day after ordering.
Where can I find more information about the profile system?
Order a product list in English through the feedback form available on this site. You can, of course, also call or send an email to Veijo or Veli-Matti. We are here to help our customers with any queries they may have. Contact information can be found on this site.
Where can I find information about 3D models?
Please visit our Media Bank page. There you can find complete libraries for the programmes SolidWorks and Vertex, as well as 3D models in different file formats for use in other programmes. You can also download PDF-format product lists and brochures from the same location.
Where can I find more information about the exact durability of the aluminium profile?
Technical specifications for all system profiles are available in the product list, which also includes sufficient information for designers to calculate the strength of a structure. The list also features examples described in understandable terms for various different joints, allowing you to easily get an idea of the strength of a structure.
What is the advantage of using mounting grooves designed for standard screws?
As the aluminium profile is designed for M8 standard screws, the mounting groove has an opening width of 8.1 mm and a base width of 13.5 mm. Each profile also features a core hole compatible with the mounting grooves, which can be threaded to M8 specifications. M8 standard screws and nuts can be used in the joints of this profile. Both hex screws and socket screws, along with hex and square nuts, are suitable for use with the mounting groove. No expensive specialist fastenings are required for basic joints.
What advantages do the aluminium profiles offer for those constructing machinery?
There are many. Aluminium profiles are easy to machine, and machining them will not generate sparks. Profiles equipped with mounting grooves can easily be used to make adjustable structures, and retrospectively adapting these to become fixed structures is also straight-forward. Profiles are supplied surface treated, meaning that any structures built using the profiles do not require sandblasting or painting, as steel structures would.
What else can be made from aluminium profiles, other than machinery framework?
Almost anything you want. The aluminium profile system was originally designed based on the needs of machinery structures, so all the necessary information about their properties and strength is readily available. Over the years the system has also been complemented with more aesthetically-pleasing profiles, which are fully compatible with other system profiles. Our profiles are currently used for purposes such as manufacturing advertising structures and signs, structures for trade fairs, in furniture and furnishings, in vehicles, anti-burglary protection and safety devices etc. Your imagination is the only limit in creating new applications.
Are the delivery charges for long profiles expensive?
Not necessarily. As we regularly send long profile packages, we have agreed clear regulations concerning pricing, amongst other things, with our transportation company. When we know the size and destination of an order, we can give you an affordable and fixed price for delivery to your door.
Can aluminium profiles be used to build structures intended for outdoor use?
Yes. Anodised aluminium profiles can withstand outdoor conditions and normal outdoor temperatures will not affect the strength of the aluminium. If the structure is exposed to moisture, galvanised fastening elements should not be used in joints. The galvanised part and the aluminium will form an electrochemical pair, which will lead to corrosion of the less noble of the two. Stainless steel fastening elements function well in damp conditions.